this is revenge man HAHA! i bet you're honoured that your name is here la ;D
[tag replies at the end of post!]
so today was art again HOHOHO!
we were quite quiet today during lesson i THINK.
actually not really too maybe quiet for our class is like noisy for other classes HAHA! nowonder mrsho always complains about us LOLOL.
k la my head was getting dizzy from the artworks mrsho showed us =/
but i think some paperbags were really cool yeah! i like the one with the gun hoho!
and those damn real streetart kinda things were like, WOW.
i completed 5 strips out of the 11 -.-
hai why did i even choose such complicated strips. i'll have fun painting the css pictures man..
yup anyway XINER KAYING and I went to the AEPtitude exhibition whee! :D
i recommend you all watch it if you're interested cause it was really good la!
k anw i keep dropping things today T.T
like postcards and other stuff. zzz.
those artworks are really nice btw :O
i had the deepest impression on the one on acrylicpainting; the one with the sagaseeds and flowers and photos cause it had this really nice feeling yup!
xiner and i were like "ahhh so nice!" at the same time LOL. jinxed yupyup.
and i swear the security guard hates us like wth luh.
he follows us like wherever we go la zzz. cause we took some pictures? haha
and yup! we all LOVE this artwork! its made up of many painted wooden boards, revolving around the lives of singaporeans or sth yupyup!
HOHO we took a picture WITH a victorian okay! xDDD
and then the security guard came to scold us =.=
haiyer, but we still thing this artwork is prettycool la! x]
there's one more of me gazing into another's eyes LOL,
but my specs were being highly reflective or something, i'll put it up when its edited or something ba!
anyway if you want to comment anything on faces or anything, you can choose to focus on the vs boy's face. some precautions -.- ..
oh yes i forgot! we found this "artwork" underneath the plastic sheet in our artclass!
to be specific, infront of kaying the retard's table HAHA!
adam and eve - the porn version. LOL.
k drawing skills not bad maybe, and there's another one in the class,
naomi took a photo but kaying deleted it HAHA.
its like, Internet is for watching porn! -.-
the world is turning WRONG or something. like hello zzz..
yup so the exhibition was nicenice, walked to mrt with KAYING.
idiot la you you're just a TEEEENY bit taller than me okay =.=
and well i eat and just don't grow fat anyway! =3
i bet you're jealous man! ahahha.
we bought sushi and i had some extra carrotcakes and oldchangkee yupyup! :D
so delicious opps random i'm listening to fergalicious i bet you can tell HOHO!
and kaying is an ahlian! :O she has a polka dotted walled/purse and she likes the polka dotted hello kitty white pink silver black handbag OMG! [LOL]
yup and then i went home and here i am,
with these hw left:
sigh..more random photos
results of boredom: #1 dinner alone at taka, delicious pasta!
#2 doodles on my summary question paper HAHA. k sorry my doodles are normally ugly anyway =.=
#1 result of depression on thursday
#2 the tallest wedding cake in spore, bugis junc!
hearts are the love!
#1 my strawhearts collection x]
#2 i taught annia to fold strawhearts with the canteen straws HOHO! :D
and yup saturday choir was good :D
we made mrtoh happier yupyup so lets continue to jiayou!
i mean ubicaritas was done much better than our previous attempts yes ^^
i actually teared abit -.- don't call me weird its called the ability to comprehend touching music HAHA!
piano lesson was quite okay; and tll was LOL xD
sorry but its abit funny la (: descriptive coat; it made the wholeclass laugh yup so its a good thing! :D if not the person beside you would not have a burst of energy or something HAHA
yup tagreplies and i'm off to work!
25th july
alicia: =)
{alicia hottie! :DDD}
Eliz: i feel evil today *MUAHAHA* =X
{LOL EVIL ELIZ! XD ooh alliterates haha!}
26th july
anqi: hellohello seeya tmr! (:
{hellohello dear! seeyou Tomorrow/friday! :D}
ashley: =D not depress now le la n tissue paper is e ultimate nice ^^
{lol no its not nice lor...hai now depressed yup}
27th july
chengkor: relink ty.
28th july
felicia(:: wahhh. that guy super irritating mannn. and using my inference skills, i can infer he is super immature and pea-brained anus. Carbinedevil, what a lammmmee name.
ashley: -.-? wow em,ma dun u feel honoured. someone is willing to dedicate a post for u * rolls eye*
{uhh thansk?}
xiner: hello emma! {hearts}
{hello xiner! lovesloves! :DDDD}
29th july
Flameworks: carbine and cheng.. hurhur.. verbal ko only works in class.. and i doubt u'll slam girls like yf.. so yea..
{lol slam girls o.O conclusion: sometimes you're to be pitied D: what's ko anyway lol..}
ashley: hello u should seriously take a look at urself in e mirror before u decide to call someone else slut. bastard =D
ashley: who knws? ur acting like a ***** anyway. thats prove enough.
ashley: btw the words in asterick is equivalent to that of the meaning of a female dog. enjoy ^^
{enjoy meal?}
i'll just roll my eyes at the majority of the tags, thanks to those who tagged anyway? xD
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